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Where am I?

You are probably lost. You have arrived at the shed which is a long way off the information super-byway. Most of our visitors are evil robots, spammers, scammers and general miscreants attempting to steal our valuable exclusive content. Some intend to enslave our state-of-the art server farm.

We don't normally entertain genuine visitors but since you're here we've put together a few pages to let you know what we do. Why not pop your slippers on, pour yourself a cup of tea, and discover the secrets of the shed.

What's in the shed?

The shed is the home of Junk Pile Projects. In the shed we take junk and attempt to make it into something useful. We are modern day wombles but without the furry costumes. Also we neither live in burrows nor do we live in Wimbledon. Quite often we turn junk into more junk but sometimes the results are useful.

The server farm

Our state-of-the-art eco-friendly solar powered high-availability server farm is housed in the shed.

Find out more about the server farm on the Server Farm page.

The solar monitoring station

The high precision monitoring station, housed in the shed, monitors solar output 24 hours per day, producing comprehensive logging which can be analysed on the meter page.

Find out more about the solar monitoring station on the Solar Monitor page of this site.


You'll also find an old lawnmower, some used cans of paint and much of the usual junk that you would normally expect to see in a shed.


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